“To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Seasons Hospice Resources

Educating the Community on the Benefits of Hospice Care

The Seasons Hospice blog provides a variety of resources for family members of those considering hospice care. Topics include tips on how to enjoy this time of life with your loved one, and a more intensive overview of palliative care.

The Importance of Managing Blood Pressure for Brain Health

Managing Blood Pressure is Needed Managing blood pressure is crucial for overall health, and its significance extends to brain health. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a leading risk factor for various brain-related conditions, including stroke, dementia, and cognitive decline. Understanding the mechanisms through which blood pressure impacts the brain and adopting strategies to manage it can help preserve cognitive functions and enhance the quality of

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What Diagnosis Is The Most Common In Hospice?

Many Reasons Bring People To Hospice Hospice care is a specialized form of medical care for individuals who are experiencing a terminal illness. Hospices provide comfort, dignity, and support to those who are nearing the end

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What Are The Benefits of Respite Care?

Respite care is a service provided to individuals or families who are in need of temporary relief from their usual responsibilities. This type of care can be especially beneficial for people who are caring for a

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Grief Counseling | Dr. Willets

In this podcast Dr. Willets is interviewed by Dr. Todd Fisher, the Executive Director/Treasurer of Oklahoma Baptists and Andy Taylor, the northeastern state representative for Oklahoma Baptist. The topic is on what pastors need to know

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What Does End of Life Care Include?

A Lot Goes Into End-Of-Life Care It is an intimidating topic to talk about, and it is even harder to think about when the time comes to do so. When it comes to end-of-life care, the

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How to Find a Good Church Near Me

When you are looking for a new church to attend, it can be difficult to know where to start. How do you know if a church is doctrinally sound? What are the most important factors to

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8 Tips For A Long and Healthy Life?

What Do We Wish For? For many of us, there are some things that we wish for more than anything else in life. These wishes can range from small, everyday desires such as finishing a project

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7 Steps to Prepare For End of Life Care

End of life care is something that most of us hope to never have to deal with, but it’s important to be prepared for the possibility. Nobody knows when their time will come, and it’s important

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Your Donations Support Our Services

Seasons Hospice is an independent community health care provider, not a large for-profit organization. We would not be able to offer our hospice services if we did not have the support of passionate community members who understand the importance of cost-free hospice care. To simplify the hospice process for patients and families, we rely on the generosity of our donors.